Saturday, October 18, 2008


Aec test cancelled..ahh.. This is d life I ordered.. I heard a few comrades lament and let out moans.. As m about to reiterate to the person to my right how insipidly psychotic people can get, I smell smoke..(Buzzzzz) I wake up from my slumber..Damn. It was a dream.. It’s not an alarm clock that brings me back to reality..Alarm clocks amplified with a million mosfets don’t trouble my sub conscience.. Nicotine fresh from my roommate’s throat never disappoints. My roommate is staring into the window with eternal gratification(cig) in his hand.. Of course it’s burning out(rapidly).. I compel him to give a couple of drags.. He’s not amused..He bemoans n takes it away.. I scramble across to the mess n gulp in what looks like chapathi.. I discover later tat I was wrong.. The early-sunshine- tobacco hits my head as it hits me ’m late for class.. 3.5 min later(‘m quick) m standing outside the class with the prof 5 min into the class.. I find an accomplice who shares my grievance.. We make schemes to execute a blitz krieg through the back door.. Our plans are foiled as reality hits us.. We quietly walk though the front door trying to look as subservient as we can(the arrogance showed though)with the glare of the sullen prof transfixed upon us.. He promises us to give no attendance(a promise no one has yet reneged)..I give my accomplice a discourse on how cynical n psychotic ec really is.. He agrees..I get a sense of gratification.. We start scheming yet again to launch a blitz krieg this time to get outta the class room.. Reality hits us, as the Prof gives a squeal “MOSFET” n I cover my face n let my subconscious mind fantasize of a world where internal quizzes get cancelled.. EMW207 surprise test.. Ahh.. The dream.. DAMN..Murphy’s laws ..Occur at the worst possible time at the worst possible place(I smirk thinking of the irony).. shud ‘ve known better.. I curse Murphy, the prof n myself for varied n distinct reasons.. I cover my face once again as the paper is put before me, with disgust and absolutely no remorse.. Needless to say exam goes terribly wrong.. I go back to gleefully discover that sachin’s broken the world record thus ensuring that the day will be etched in history as the next big thing to happen in Indian history(first been his debut of course).. I spend the day watching press conferences and jobless people heaping praise upon him.. Aaj tak reports that he had the dal sachin had for lunch had too much salt and that the president of Venezuela seemed not to care about tendulkar’s record thus implying that afro-asian relations are strained.. I have dinner double confirming that its chapathi ‘m eating.. ‘m reassured.. In the meanwhile the tobacco I consume keeps getting diluted with my blood with the usual inane conversations that accompany it.. I promise myself and a few others that ‘l give up smoking.. People no more seem to bother.. Vexed I rally around the corridors looking for fags.. Having failed to do so I come back bury my head under the pillow, lose all hope in life and lose myself in deep sleep..


dapawz said... just have amazing writing skills....'m just shocked...more than shocked...if i were you i would consider a career in writing...:-)

Unknown said...

yup..even i agree that u've good writing why dont u start working with JDB and copy notes for him from text...